Does your wig slide? Does every head movement you make turn your wig over? Yet, a size down is too tight? It could be you need a wig grip!
WIG GRIP to secure and prevent your wig or headwear from slipping." The elastic velvet fabric with thin adjustable backing creates a comfortable fit, while the lace top area makes a seamless section for your wig`s part. Check out its features below!

Follow these instructions below, and your wig will grip-like- syrup on a placemat in no time!

Velvet Wig Headband 15Velvet Wig Headband 10

Step 1: Place the wig grip around the back circumference of your head. It does not need to meet your hairline exactly. Instead, push the grip slightly behind the hairline. Be sure to keep the lace at the top of your head. Then ensure the grip meets up with your wig`s part.
Step 2: Adjust the the elastic band at the back. Be sure it fits securely and comfortably to your liking.
Step 3: Again, be sure to keep the lace at the top of your head. Then place your wig on your head, over the wig grip, and adjust the wig until it's settled in place.
Step 4: Once your wig is on and settled it's time start the day.


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